For almost four decades Shawn has been asked to teach in 54 countries using Improvisation theory in Science, the Arts, Business and numerous other fields. Memorable visits include Universities in Oxford and Cambridge, a roofless rehearsal building in Peru, the National Theatre of Iceland, Norway’s National Opera, a Favela in Brazil, palaces in Germany, circuses in Poland and Colombia.
Shawn’s home base is Canada which he is rarely in. He works with people in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australasia and Africa 9 months of the year.
Broadly speaking, Shawn teaches workshops and performs. He is passionate about the education process, how we think and engage each other on and off stage.
More specifically Shawn engages performers, businesses people, health care professionals, education experts, scientists, toy-makers, dancers, psychologists and even the military in various forms of improvisation and movement to make their world a little better.
“There are no boundaries to the possibilities of ideas, especially improvisation based ideas that push us to take risks, question limitations, develop a broad array of skills, create and grow”
Shawn’s work has impact in education, group dynamics, awareness in human behaviour and creativity to name just a few.
“With improvisation as a base, more and more groups are recognizing the worth of a flexible mind-set that responds to a world that changes faster than business plans and curriculums. Adapt, respond, innovate, expand possibilities





Improvisation relates to everything we do. We are born great, improvisers; unscripted spontaneous and vulnerable. We react to, and are altered by the world around us.
But then, we are taught to avoid change, failure and the unknown. We spend much of our adult life trying to regain what we already knew.
Improvisation is at the core of all that we are.
Performance Improvisation comes in many styles. It can be comedic, serious, silly, narrative, political clever, creative expressions of entertainment on stage. It can be totally spontaneous, directed, structured or organic. Improvisation can always be more and defies definition.
The value of Improvisation goes beyond the stage. And the practitioners of Improvisation come from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Improvisation in classrooms adapts truth, inspiration and awareness to make learning a more powerful and effective experience. Improvisers in the laboratory, are able to bend perception and explore more diversely while using ‘failures’ as effective stepping stones for success. Improvisation exerts it’s various qualities in unique ways in all fields that it meets.
Current innovations explore Improvisation in the fields of education, psychology, childhood development, autism, physics, brain sciences, business management, and many other areas which proves that improvisation is not ONE thing. Nor is it limited to one definition or one use.
If you EXIST, Improvisation is the broad stroke that affects behaviour, attitude and outcomes. It’s entertaining, fun, healthy, and enriching.